Egg-Truth 2019 Ad Campaign

Welcome Donors!

Monday, April 1st, 2019 - 5:30pm EST. (scroll further down for more updates….)

Exterior mock-up of transit shelter poster (Toronto).

Interior mock-up of creative for inside Astral Media’s transit shelters (Toronto).

The Campaign

Over the next several weeks we will updating this page to provide you with an exclusive look at all the details related to our multi-faceted advertising campaign.

For each update we will date and time code every entry. Once the campaign is complete and all relevant metrics have been accumulated and reviewed, we will be posting an impact report available for download in PDF format.

Recall that our entire ad campaign, if we can achieve our fundraising goals, is as follows:

  1. Outdoor ad campaign (6 weeks) starting Apr. 15th - May 24th.

  2. Insertion into the Toronto Star (Apr. 20th) 17,500 copies of our 8-page, digest-sized, saddle-stitched “Egg-Free - Get Started” recipe and coupon booklet. An additional 2,500 copies will be printed for street campaigns.

  3. Social Media campaign on Facebook and Instagram.

  4. 2 x Cubes of Truth to take place Apr. 26th (tentative) showing video loops of egg production (maceration, commercial slaughterhouses, etc.) at Yonge & Dundas Square and Yonge & Eglinton Ave. Approx. 500-750 of our booklets will be distributed at these events.

  5. Vegan Outreach leafleting of approx. 1,500-2,000 booklets at select locations and times in downtown and mid-town Toronto.

If at any time you have questions, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to e-mail us via our Contact Us page or call 416-910-6122.

The Egg-Truth Team!

Interior mock-up of creative for inside Astral Media’s transit shelters (Toronto).

Transit Shelter Posters


This creative will be placed on the outside face of the transit shelter. The exterior faces enjoy long site-lines, and short read times. The creative has a clear “call-to-action” and a highly visible URL to entice curious passers-by. (Click image for larger view). Poster size: 4’ x 6’ (approx.)


This creative will be placed on the inside face of the transit shelters. The interior face enjoys short site-lines, and long read times. The average transit commuter will sit or stand inside the shelter for approximately 10-20 minutes. And often with a smart phone or tablet in hand which will allow for curious commuters to access our website displayed at the bottom of the poster. The creative is the same as the exterior face with all the added text highlighting the illnesses and suffering endured by hens in egg production. (Click on image for larger view).
Poster size: 4’ x 6’ approx.

This is a map of the ad placement and demographic profile for the transit shelter posters. These locations are skewed to a particular audience profile (see left margin of map). We will receive a bonus of approximately two weeks for many, if not all, of the transit shelter posters This would extend our campaign to six weeks from four. The initial posting date is scheduled for Monday, April 15th, 2019. Final removal should occur during the week of May 27, 2019.

“Egg-Free Get Started” 8-page Booklet

Our 8-page, digest-sized, full-colour booklet contains delicious egg-free recipes, information about hens in egg production, a personal profile of “Lady Heisenberg” - a rescued hen at Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary, egg-free baking tips, and a $1 OFF coupon for any Earth Island or Follow You Heart product including VeganEgg.

Download our “Egg-Free Get Started” booklet in PDF format. If this does not automatically open in another browser window or tab, you may need to download Adobe’s Acrobat Reader first to view. If so, please click on the link below and simply follow the prompts:


Donor Update #1

Friday, April 12th, 2019 - 12:07pm EST.

Below is a schedule of when the various aspects or our ad campaign will launch. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at or call 416-910-6122.

Outdoor advertising, transit shelter campaign:
Starts: Monday, April 22nd, 2019
Ends: Friday, June 3rd, 2019 (this is based on a 2-week BONUS on top of the 4-week paid contract - this also, ironically enough, falls on “National Egg Day” - no joke!)

The Toronto Star insertion of 8-page, full-colour booklet:
Insertion date: Saturday, April 27th, 2019 - 17,500 copies

Egg-Truth Cubes of Truth at Yonge & Dundas Square and Yonge & Eglinton
Friday, May 3rd, 2019 starting at approx. 6:30pm EST. including distribution of approx. 500 of the 8-page, full-colour booklets

Vegan Outreach leafleting of approx. 2,000 Egg-Truth, 8-page, full-colour booklets:
TBD (will update here when confirmed)

Social Media advertising campaign on Facebook and Instagram:
Starts: Monday, April 22nd, 2019
Ends: Sunday, May 19th, 2019

Donor Update #2

Friday, April 12th, 2019 - 2:15pm EST.

Click here to download a PDF of the location list for our transit shelter posters. The “I” or the “O” indicates whether it is an inside face or outside face of the ad caissons. An “L” indicates it is a longitudinal shelter (inside creative).

Donor Update #3

Friday, April 19th, 2019 - 12:28pm EST.

Our outdoor advertising posters were packed up and shipped out to Astral Media’s posting warehouse Wednesday, Apr. 17th for noon arrival the next day. Posting will begin on Easter Monday!

I picked up a couple of copies for proofing and repurposing in the future. They are beautiful!

Donor Update #4

Monday, April 22nd, 2019 - 3:45pm EST.

As of today, all of our posters but one has been posted in the City of Toronto. Click here to download the PDF showing the locations. A “+” beside each location indicates it is complete. We have shared our outdoor campaign efforts via Egg-Truth’s social media channels (i.e. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram), my personal page and Krista’s personal page. We will continue with campaign updates in the following days and weeks.

We have also shared with the following organizations in hopes they too will share using the campaign hashtag: #thisislucy:

Toronto Vegetarian Association
Canadian Vegetarians and Vegans
Toronto Vegans
Vegan Activists Worldwide
Chef, Doug McNish
Toronto Chicken Save (Anita Krajnc)
DXE Toronto
James Aspey and Carly Taylor
Brampton Chicken Save
ETWP The Dark Side
Esther’s Army
Steve Jenkins (Esther the Wonder Pig)


Donor Update #5

Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 2:50pm EST.

I picked up our “Egg-Free Get Started” booklets from the Toronto Star yesterday - they look great! We are very pleased with the print quality and paper stock. 17,500 will be inserted into the Toronto Star this Saturday, April 27th. 2,300 copies have been retained for our upcoming Cubes of Truth and Vegan Outreach leafleting.

While in the city, I drove to several locations to examine installs and snap a few photos. In addition, a number of followers have been taking selfies along side our posters and sharing them on social media. Below is a photo gallery of some of those images. And here again is our proof of posting.

Earlier today, Plant Based News of London, England posted a story about our bus shelter campaign - “Plant Based News is a global, multi-platform and award winning news, media and entertainment company. The go-to source for vegan news, plant-based culture and educational health content for its dedicated and influential audience around the globe”.

Plant Based news has just under 460,000 followers on their Facebook page alone and hundreds of thousands of readers. Their home page features an image mock-up of our campaign very prominently. And here is the actual article itself.

The homepage of Plant Based News - Wednesday, April 24th, 2019.

Donor Update #6

Thursday, April 25th, 2019 8:30pm EST.

This is the Instagram version.

Here are two ads we are currently running on social media.

The “coupon” ad is a static ad that is running from Apr. 25 - 27 on Facebook and Instagram to promote our “Egg-Free Get Started” booklet, with the $1 OFF coupon for Earth Island products, is in the Saturday edition of The Toronto Star.

The video ad is part of the #thisislucy campaign and is designed to complement the outdoor ads. This ad links to a dedicated page on our website to facilitate tracking/response. The link for that page is here. On this page, visitors can also download a PDF version of the booklet (less the coupon) and are exposed to animal welfare information about egg production.

This ad will be running for a minimum of 4 weeks alongside the outdoor campaign.

Donor Update #7

Saturday, May 4th, 2019 1:15pm EST

We received this e-mail the other day:

I saw one of your ads at a bus stop. It made me go on your website. After seeing the videos, it made up my mind to no longer eat eggs. Thank you for unfolding and exposing what goes on in the commercialization of eggs.
— Antoinette

Donor Update #8

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019 4:20pm EST.

On Friday, May 3rd, Egg-Truth and Anonymous for the Voiceless collaborated on a Cube of Truth at the busiest intersection in Canada - Toronto’s Yonge-Dundas Square. The outreach ran from 5pm to 9pm. Engagements are measured when outreach volunteers engage in serious conversations about the video that is being played. As passer’s-by stop to watch, outreach volunteers will offer to explain what people are seeing in the video and expand on the true nature of egg production. Our 8-page booklet, “Egg-Free Get Started” was the principle handout for this event. Upwards of 150 engagements were counted and approximately 500 booklets were disseminated. Add to this, the hundreds and hundreds of other people who saw and witnessed the shocking video and it is easy to see why this was one of AV’s most successful evenings in quite a while. Below are a gallery of photos taken by Julius Sandor one of Toronto AV’s volunteers and photographer.

Donor Update #9

Thursday, May 9th, 2019 1:37pm EST.

We received this e-mail today:

I didn’t know what actually happened to chickens , we bought cage free and free range and thought we were doing right by the chickens. Now that we know the truth, we no longer eat eggs. Thank you for helping us see the truth.
— Gloria

Donor Update #10

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019 3:42pm EST.

Egg-Truth Outreach #1

As part of our collaboration with other animal rights groups, we also partnered with Vegan Outreach to organize and conduct two separate leafleting sessions. One was conducted on Tuesday, May 7th at Danforth and Broadview in mid-town Toronto between the hours of 4pm - 7pm. We had multiple volunteers attend to help out. We were able to distribute just over 1,150 booklets to pedestrians, cyclists and even one TTC bus driver! We engaged a number of people in discussions and even received one ringing endorsement on the Egg-Truth #thisislucy campaign. This outreach was conducted right where one of our bus shelter posters was located. Below is a photo gallery of many of these encounters.

Egg-Truth Outreach #2

The second leafleting event took place on Saturday, May 18th between the hours of 11am - 2pm. Leafleting was initiated at 1970 Queen St. E. near several breakfast and brunch restaurants - in particular one popular place called Bam! Breakfast and Bistro. Approximately 500 booklets were distributed which completely depleted our supply. One enthusiastic recipient literally went out and purchased the ingredients necessary to make a tofu scramble. And yet, another women who pointed to one of the recipes contained in the booklet and said, “I’m going to make this when I get home”.

Recall our original print run was just under 20,000 . . . . 17,500 were inserted in The Toronto Star, 1,650 handed out via Vegan Outreach and 500+ via the Cube of Truth. I have retained close to 100 copies for distribution through personal engagements and at Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary.

Donor Update #11

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 1:07pm EST.

We received this e-mail on Monday, May 28th, 2019:

I firstly want to thank you for the advertisement that you have posted in the streets in Toronto.

When I first saw the ad, I was curious to know what is this “egg-truth” website, and that ad that I have seen . . . . when I surfed the website and saw what they do, especially to chicks . . . . I started crying, and I still cry every time I remember.

I have always heard about how badly animals are treated but never truly knew how it seemed like.

I have been in Syria during the war before and I thought it was the most cruel thing I have ever seen but now I think there are a lot of things that I haven’t known yet about human cruelty. Calling human “animals” is actually offending the animals not human, because even animals have a lot of mercy for each other, some people are worse than beasts.
— Malak